The Hartsema Group

Nathan Tothrow


Nathan’s role at The Hartsema Group is so broadly defined that we often refer to his department as the Ministry of Magic. In addition to providing analysis and data visualization for our customer reporting, he also manages our Web and server administration infrastructure and keeps us up to date on the latest digital security threats. He received his Six Sigma Green Belt certification from Villanova University and has a marked interest in data significance. He is also a professional illustrator and cartoonist.

After serving in the U.S. Navy, Nathan graduated from UNC Charlotte with a BA in political science and philosophy with a concentration in logic. He then began his treasury management career in operations and product development with Wachovia Bank, Bank of America, PNC Bank in Pittsburgh.

Concurrent with his banking career, Nathan spent six years as a professional cartoonist with The Charlotte Observer, drawing editorial cartoons, caricatures and digital illustrations. Later on, these creative skills allowed him to transition to running the in-house advertising agency for Republic First Bank in Philadelphia before becoming CMO of Charlotte Metro Credit Union.

Just prior to joining the Hartsema Group, he was involved in research designed to quantify the effectiveness of marketing and advertising by measuring psychophysiological impact on consumers.